While some Christians
are afraid that communication changes mean a growing irrelevance for the Church
and a narcissism which prevents young adults from seeking community, I would
argue that God is up to something here, perhaps calling us to a new way of
doing life together. After all, the Holy Spirit has never been one to sit idly
by as humanity changes beyond recognition. We worship the God of yesterday,
today, and tomorrow, One who is the master creator of culture and at work in
all times and places.
On November 2nd
at the Faith and the City conference hosted by St. Augustine’s United Church, I
will argue that social media is not only a valuable tool for the Church, but it
is a place where God is already at work, drawing people into community and into
God’s self. The ecumenical conference will focus on faith and political
engagement, so I will look at how Christians might use social networking as a
way to live into God’s call to pursue justice and mercy in the city. Other
panelists include Jane Barter-Moulaison, Tim Sale, Aiden Enns, Lynda Trono,
Bill Blaikie, and others. For more information about the event check out the blog: http://faithinthecityaugustine.blogspot.ca. To
register, please contact Augustine United Church at augustine.uc@mymts.net or (204) 284-2250.
register, please contact Augustine United Church at augustine.uc@mymts.net or (204) 284-2250.
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